Featured items:
- TetraPak TR/7 1L ESL Carton Filler, 6,000L/h
- Schaefer & Flottman SFS 374 Tray Packer
- Galdi RG250 UCS-SCA2 1L ESL Carton Filler, 5,600L/h
- Schaefer & Flottman SFS 41 Tray Packer
- Reclaim & holding tanks, condenser, auxilliary condenser, pasteurizer, steam injection system, flash cooler, homogenizer, sterile water unit, cleaning units, acid & caustic tanks
Combination Lots: The TetraPak Filling Line 27740-20, Galdi Filling Line 27740-21 and UHT Process Equipment 27740-22 are lotted as single combination lots. Their components are simultaneously offered as individual lots - see the lot descriptions for details.
Bidders can bid on the complete lines and/or on individual lots.
Sales are conditional upon seller approval.
The seller will likely approve the highest aggregate bid(s) for the lines either as a single lot or as individual lots.
Successful bidders will be notified within 2 working days of the close of the auction sale.
Removal: By Appointment Only - Before the 24th January 2025