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Electrical Goods & Appliances Auctions

Browse our upcoming Electrical Goods and Appliance auctions from professional auctioneers including Dishwashers, Washing Machines, Fridges, Freezers, Gas and Electric Cookers, TVs, Audio Equipment and more!


The consumer goods auctions we grant access to here at Auction News are ideal for finding a wide range of products, including electrical items.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade the home office with a refurbished computer or need to replace professional lighting equipment in your studio, the auctions we provide access to will have the most ideal solution for you.

Working With the Very Best UK Auctioneers

Auction News only ever work with the very best auctioneers in the business, giving our customers peace of mind that they’re always in trusted hands when choosing to go through us. We’ll give you access to the most reputable electrical goods auctions in the industry, enabling our customers to have a wide range of choice no matter what it is you might need.

From brand new items to second-hand equipment, we’ll be able to grant you access to some of the best, most varied electrical goods auctions out there. Whether you prefer a relaxed bidding process or a fast-paced experience, our carefully selected group of auctioneers will have a lot that’s perfect for both your needs and your budget.

You’ll be able to purchase a wide range of products from the auction lots we provide access to, including, but not limited to:

  • Studio lighting

  • Softbox lighting

  • Audio and visual equipment

  • Domestic appliances

  • Commercial appliances

  • White goods

  • Televisions

  • Computers

  • Laptops

Regardless of whether the products you buy are new or used, you’ll always be able to expect to receive the most appropriate, suitable goods available, all with the potential to help enhance your business operations. Our auctioneers take pride in offering bidders the right items, so you’ll always be able to count on us here at Auction News to give you access to reputable auction lots, no matter what it is you need.

How Auction News can help you

As a family-run, dedicated auction business, we’re proud to provide our customers with access to some of the best electrical goods auctions in the business. With over sixty years of experience in the industry and a professional team with a wealth of knowledge and expertise at the helm of our operations, you’ll always be able to look to Auction News for help and advice about the electrical goods auctions we offer.

For more information about how our specialist team here at Auction News will be able to help you gain access to some of the best electrical goods auctions in the business, get in touch today by sending us an email to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can create an account with us online at a time to suit you should you wish to get started as soon as possible.

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