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MoD & Emergency Auctions

Browse our upcoming MOD and emergency vehicle auctions from specialist professional auctioneers including military vehicles, ambulances, fire engines, police car auctions and more. Use the filter to further refine your search.


Upcoming Emergency & Military Vehicle Auctions

We are the UK’s leading auction listing site with more than 25,000 satisfied subscribers. Our platform helps professional auctioneers connect with the right bidders and vice versa. We offer our auctioneers the benefit of a user-friendly, convenient platform to promote their auctions while bidders can browse our auction listings to find the products that they want or need with ease. 

Professional Military & Emergency Vehicle Auctions 

At Auction News, we want our bidders to have easy access to premium-quality auction products that are within their budget. We offer you an optimized digital auction platform that is ideal for both novice and experienced bidders. We only work with the UK’s finest and most professional auctioneers to offer you access to affordable MOD and emergency vehicles. 

Here’s an overview of some of the products that you can expect to find in Auction News’ MOD and emergency vehicle auction listings sourced from Government Departments, MoD, Fire & Rescue, Health Authorities, National Companies, Commercial Corporations, Major Fleet Users, Contractors, Disposal Agencies, etc: 

  • MoD Land Rovers

  • Recovery Trucks

  • Truck Mounted Forklifts

  • Incident Support Units

  • Military Vehicles

  • Patrol Vehicles

  • Armoured & Combat Vehicles

  • Police Cars 

  • Fire Engines

  • Ambulances

Why Choose Auction News? 

We have more than 65 years invaluable industry experience that enables us to understand and cater to the needs of our subscribers. 

We truly believe that our dedication sets us apart from the competition. We are a proud family-owned business with highly proficient, trained and loyal staff. We strive day in and out to offer you the support you need to have a profitable and pleasant auction experience. 

Whether it’s a MOD vehicle disposal or a police car auction, we make sure that our subscribers can find what they need via our accessible digital auction platform.

If you’re looking to source the finest emergency vehicle and used MOD vehicle auctions in the UK, look no further than Auction News. You can email our team at [email protected] Rest assured, we will do our utmost to answer all your queries promptly and diligently.

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