BPI Auctions

Established in 2010, BPI is dedicated to helping businesses in the acquisition and disposal of commercial assets in the smartest possible way. Whether you are starting a new venture, closing shop, relocating, restructuring, scaling or just want a quick sale of surplus equipment, BPI will provide a swift and efficient solution tailored to your specific business needs.
Fast and Efficient Commercial Asset Disposal
BPI manage the entire selling process, handling pre-sale cataloguing and valuations to post-sale payments and collections, making the whole selling process hassle-free.
A wealth of expertise Linking Buyers and Sellers
BPI tailor disposal solutions for businesses of all sizes by unlocking the value of assets, optimising space and generating revenue.
Straight talking market disrupters.
BPI are known for their expertise in asset disposal, preferred by many for their innovative, industry-leading timed auction platform and trusted for their straight-talking approach, coupled with unrivalled turnaround times.
Create a buyer account and gain access to over 100 machinery and equipment auctions every month!
Create a seller account - Sell your business assets fast with BPI’s hassle-free asset disposal solutions.

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