JPS Chartered Surveyors

A wholly owned subsidiary of the WORTH Group Ltd, JPS Chartered Surveyors are owned and managed by Michael Gabel BSc (Hons) MRICS and Mark Isaacs BSc (Hons) MRICS.
Specialists in corporate asset management, the company regularly acts as an agent on behalf of insolvency practitioners, lending institutions (such as banks), professionals and private companies.
JPS conduct sales via a range of digital and physical avenues including traditional auctions, tenders and private treaties whilst selling items on platforms such as eBay, Amazon, Bidspotter as well as their own ASSETtrail web store.
The company is based in Whitefield, Manchester, which has 11,000 sq ft of sales and storage space. JPS also have an additional facility close by, which sports a further 9500 sq ft of space.
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