Featured items:
- Polem 80m3 composite oat kernel silos
- BCD 14m3 and BCD 7m3 vessels
- Ecolab dosing units
- Delstron skids for CEBA dosing, CEBA, heat treatment, decanter supply & return, enzymation valve manifold, water heating, colloid mill, mixing
- Spirax Sarco steam reducing sets
- Alfa Laval heat exchangers
- Kemutec CM680 cone mills
- Flottweg Z6E decanters
- BCD 100,000l silos
- Tetra Pak in-line blenders
- Tetra Pak Tetra Therm aseptic VTIS UHT processors, 8,000-26,000l/hr
- Tetra Pak 50,000l aseptic tanks
- Tetra Pak TR/27 Tetra Rex 1l filling machines
- Eigra CIP systems
- Tetra Pak caustic recovery system
- Over 5,000 metres of Damstahl stainless steel pipe, grade 316
- Electric transformers and cable
Lots block closing approximately 70 lots 15 minutes apart
- FIRST block of lots closing at 12:30 PM BST
- LAST block of lots closing at 02:00 PM BST
Removal: By Appointment Only. All lots need to be removed from site by 20th June 2024 - CAMEBRIDGE, PETERBOROUGH SITE - IT IS IMPERATIVE and MANDATORY THAT ALL LOTS ARE COLECTED FROM SITE BY THE LATEST 20th JUNE 2024
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For UK located assets, non-UK buyers need to engage a customs broker / freight forwarder if exporting assets outside of the UK.
If asset is located outside of UK or EU, bidders should adapt clause above accordingly.
Local VAT rates apply to this sale.
The Buyer's Premium rate of 18% applies to this sale