1st Machinery Auctions Ltd

Welcome to 1st Machinery Auctions Ltd, a company formed from two of the UK’s largest players within the used machinery sector. 1st Machinery Auctions offers a very high standard of professional service moulded around 130 years of trading with annual sales of over £9million.
The company has a proven technical ability built via day-to-day operation combined with their vast number of both UK-based and overseas clientele. This enables 1st Machinery Auctions to occupy a first-tier position as a ‘disposal outlet’.
1st Machinery Auctions’ high profile and organic involvement in the daily attainment and sale of plant is regularly capitalised on by many of the UK’s leading finance companies, liquidators, and private companies to create accurate market valuations. The company offers a full and rounded approach combining integrity, professionalism and discretion all aimed at offering their customers a first-class service.
1st Machinery Auctions has developed a vast amount of long-lasting customer relationships spread throughout a broad range of machinery companies that specialise in transport, shipping, servicing, and installation.