The XYZ TC 320LTY CNC Turning Centre is a high-precision machine designed for turning, milling, and other operations on metal parts.
This machine is in GREAT condition and is available to purchase immediately.
Specifications -
X Axis Travel: 270mm
Y Axis Travel: 100mm
Z Axis Travel: 600mm
X axis Rapids: 20,000 mm/min
Z axis Rapids: 20,000 mm/min
Spindle Mount: A2-8
Spindle Speed: 3,300 RPM
Tool Changer Capacity: 12
Year: 2014
Footprint: 3700 x 2320 x 2030mm (L x W x H)
Weight: 6,950 kg
Can be loaded for free to suitable transport
George Road
B60 3FW