- 2017 Amada LCG3015AJ 3KW Fibre Flatbed Laser Cutter Complete with 2017 Amada HPEZCUT2 Nitrogen
- 2002 Edwards Pearson PR6 60 Ton x 2550mm Hydraulic Downstroking CNC Press Brake
- 2010 Bystronic Xcel 50 Ton x 1600mm Hydraulic Downstroking CNC Press Brake with Quantity of Tooling
- Adira QHA-4512 Upstroking Press Brake with Quantity of Tooling as Photographed
- Pierce-All Manual Punching Press with 6-Drawer Cabinet and Quantity of Tooling
- Edwards Pearson D.D 3.5mm x 2540mm Downstroking Guillotine
- 2017 Boge SLF 40-3 Screw Compressor with 2017 OKS 600L Receiver
- 2017 Boge DAZ36-2 Absorption Compressed Air Dryers
- 2017 Boge CC 8 Oil-Water Separators
- 2007 Worthington Creyssensac Rollair 20 Screw Compressor Complete with Ter-Mec Cordivari 500L Receiver and 2012 Worthington Creyssensac DW 13 Dryer
- 2003 Gallito GBO 60/30 6 x 3m Oven with Overhead Chain Conveyor with Supporting Steelwork
Auction currency GBP
Buyer's premium 15 %
VAT on hammer 20 %
24 Wernddu Court
Van Road
CF83 3SG