Coin presses and manufacturing machinery
- (13) Grabener GKMP 360K/32601 walking table and HME K600, K360, K180, CM3 360t, CM2 175t, CM1 100t fixed and variable speed proofing presses (1982-2019)
- (7) Schuler MC3125, MRV150 and Grabener MPU 200 180-400/spm, MPU150/31490 33-500/spm & MPU156/32554 300-700/spm high speed coining presses with elevators (1985-1992)
- Bruderer BSTA60H double sided 60 tonne press 70-720/spm with coil feed
- MDN 2000 tonne hydraulic double sided press, 680 x 1000mm table, 140mm under head
- Worcester 6t & 30t blanking presses, Hare 5S hydraulic press
- Twin station coin rimming machine
- Janvier B&J die cutting and reducing machines
- Brandt and Scancoin coin counter, baggers and elevators
Machine tools
- Myford and Jones & Shipman 1311EIU universal cylindrical and1400X & 540 surface grinders
- Hitachi Seiki HT20Sll, Hardinge HXL-1 (1998) and CHNC CNC lathes
- Matchmaker Fadal VMC-40 and VMC 820 vertical machining centres
- Clark, Hardinge and Foremost 625×900 gap bed lathes
- Hydrafeed ML1 bar feed (1995)
- Bridgeport turret mill, power feed, DRO
Fabrication and cutting machinery
- Accutex GA43L wire eroder, 522 hours (2018)
- Acsys Piranha II FL20S laser cutter, 69,000 hours (2015)
- Ismet MT14H spark eroder (1992)
- Promecam RG 25-12 pressbrake
- Edwards 1400×3.25mm guillotine
- Startrite tilting saw bench, Bomar STG16DGH power hack saw, Acra vertical bandsaw, notcher, welders, flypresses
Finishing machinery and inspection equipment
- Guyson shot blasters, ultrasonic cleaners, heat treatment furnaces, Spaleck conveyor drier (2006) rumbler, Bula & Fils polishers, profile projector, hardness tester, inspection equipmentPrint and packaging machinery
- Morlock WKW80 (2001) & MKM80.9 (refurbished 2019) 8-station pad printers, bag-sealer, Continuous sachet fill, seal and weigh machines, Strapex strappers, Turbovac sealer
Factory and office equipment
- Crown 3300kg side-shift electric forklift, Atlas Copco air compressors and driers, 250kva stand-by generator, bailing press, scales, hand tools, safes, roller racking, office furniture and equipment.
Held in partnership with Allsurplus.
Payment and Collection by Agreement.
9 Greyfriars Road