26th November 2020
“Confidence is key”
It is safe to say when fleet and finance companies need to liquidate vehicles they tend to overlook many auction businesses and migrate towards the large established vehicle auction businesses. They have end to end processes in place, are aggressively priced, and their solutions are solely geared around vehicle remarketing.
Clients often assume vehicle sales performance will be weaker at smaller non vehicle specialised auctions, impacted by a smaller vehicle buyer base, higher buyers fees and a weaker sales proposition. Vehicles are often consigned as part of larger disposal or liquidation processes.
With the continual evolution of on-line auctions it is evident that vehicle buyers have more confidence, and therefore willing to pay more money for trusted and comprehensive lot descriptions, including detailed appraisals. This in turn increases revenues for vendors and auction companies. If auctions are not vehicle specific they have choices. 1) do nothing, accepting their current proposition 2) invest in resources, software and hardware that can bring a solution to market, or 3) use an independent inspection and collection business to support, allowing them to bring a more viable solution and compete with the industry giants.
Maybe we can help?
VQS operate across the UK and have conducted inspection and collection services for multiple “blue chip” manufacturers and independent fleet, lease and finance businesses since 2002. Our field inspection team are experienced with producing remarketing grade inspections. Our software delivers a comprehensive inspection report within 5 minutes of the inspection being signed off. The reports are detailed and consistent allowing prospective purchasers a good insight and increased confidence to bid.
With support from our network of logistics providers, our “in-house” trade plate collection teams move 40,000 vehicles a year. We also provide logistics solutions for non-runners.
All inspection reports and POD’s generated are accessible to clients through our operating platform 24/7/365
If you would like to improve your vehicle remarketing offering and require a sensible approach to supporting this please contact VQS www.vqsltd.co.uk Lee Mabbutt 07912 120780 [email protected]
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