To include:
- Epiroc Boltec EC, Fully Mechanized Rock Bolting Rig
- Volvo ECR 235EL Medium Crawler Excavator
- 2x FLSmidth Rotary Dryer Packages
- 4x Weir Minerals Spreader Feeders (F4006C) 1000TPH; fully lined
- 4x Eirich Primary Mixer Granulators (R33/72)
- 4x Eirich Secondary Mixer Granulators (R33/72) C/W Load Cells
- 4x Eirich Feed Systems for Primary Mixers
- FT Pipeline Systems Gas Filtration, Heating and Gas Pressure Reducing Skid
- 3x FLSmidth Stockpile Reclaim Feeders
- FLSmidth Coarse Ore Belt Feeder: 420TPH
- 4x Haendle GmbH Granulator Discharge Box Feeders (BKSS2005)
- 2x Kaiser SS Coating Agent and Dosing Systems
- 4x Rospen Industries Primary Mixer LIW Feeders & 4 x Secondary Mixer LIW Feeders
- 29x Donaldson Filtration Reverse Jet Dust Collectors
- 2x Schenck Process Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying Trains
- Schenck Process Covered Truck Reclaim Feeder 360TPH (Intrabulk BRU)
- 4x Solex Thermal Science Inc. Granule Cooling Systems
- Allwater Technologies Spray Water Treatment Package
Removal: By Appointment Only - All Equipment to be removed by end of February 2025
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