- Excavators
- Dozers/Motor Graders
- Dumpers
- Tractors
- Loaders
- Telescopic Handlers
- Forklifts
- Vehicles
- Commercial Vehicles
- Trailers
- Farm Machinery
- Asphalt Equipment
- Compactors / Asphalt Rollers
- ManLifts
- Cranes
- Crushers/Screeners
- Engines
- ATVs
- Motor Cycles
- Generators
- Modular Buildings
- Containers
- Buckets/Attachments
- Spare Parts
- Deadrow
- Misc
Day 1 - 25th October 2023
Day 2 - 26th October 2023
Day 3 - 27th October 2023
Day 4 - 28th October 2023
Further date and time information can be found by clicking the View Catalogue button above.
Customers are allowed in the yard 3 days prior to an auction. If you would like to inspect before then please make an appointment.
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm.
Last load to start at 3.30pm. (Yard is open between 8am – 12pm the two Saturdays following the auction, last load to start at 11am.)
On Site Registration:
Starting the Sunday prior to the auction during opening hours
Nr Goole
DN14 0NY